
by FeverGrass Developer



FEVERGRASS Telemedicine offers continuous, safe and personalized medical support to you and your family—allowing you to consult online with your Doctor or Psychotherapist via chat, audio and/or video. FEVERGRASS patient safety policy remains the best in the African telemedicine ecosystem thus far, and our service fees (cost) remains the lowest in the sector thanks to our Doctors and partner Clinics/Hospitals who serve you from their hearts, and also thanks to Management who constantly research green innovative technology to keep running cost forever low.This, and more, is the reason FEVERGRASS ranks number 1 in the race for Universal Health coverage in Africa!How to see a DoctorStep 1:Download FeverGrass app from Playstore / App Store.Step 2: Create your free account. A Doctor is available 24h/7 to attend to your health needs, or you may wish to schedule an appointment for a later time.Step 3: Update your profile with any relevant health information.Step 4:Choose your preferred Clinic / Hospital for all in-person services (if requested).Step 5:Choose your preferred Doctor and consult right away without further delays.Step 6:Pay for service with Mobile Money Transfer (MTN Momo / Orange Money)FeverGrass is currently available in Cameroon with plans of expanding to West Africa and the rest of the continent.